The Impact of the Modi Bomb on Google & Twitter
Our Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi has brought to conclusion the sensational black money forestalling. Indians searching for tips and tricks about “How to convert black Money into white money”, seemed to be trending on the search engines. Queries began surging soon after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the ban on 500 Rupees and 1,000 Rupees currency notes.
What India Wants to Know

Trending Searches: How to Convert Black Money to White Money. Image Source: Google Trend
The impact of the dramatic announcement on 8th November prompted people to use the search term “How to convert black money into white money”, and find strategies to convert black money into white, The trend showed a maximum spike on 11th November, after which it had eventually come down.
Who is more curious?
Can you guess who could be on the top among the Indian cities searching “How to convert black money into white money”?

If we believe that it’s about population and people using technology, then hold on. Here is an eye-opener for you. Based on reports, the most searches came from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state - Gujarat, known for its small professionals, jewellers and other small businesses. Jharkhand & Haryana too tops the list being close behind Gujarat . Other top 5 states asking the same question include Odhisha & Goa.
Size doesn’t matter
While Maharashtra having double the population compared to Gujarat*, is far behind at the 9th position having as less as 45%, which is not even half the searches compared to Gujarat for the trending topic.
Source: *Wikipedia
Surprisingly Uttar Pradesh being number one regards population & almost double the size when compared to Maharashtra (more than 3 times compared to Gujarat) is not even listed in the top 10 ranking for “How to convert black money into white money” search query. Astonishingly states with smaller populations eg. Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Assam are featuring on the Top 10 list. This is totally unexpected.
Choose the Right Way
The conclusion drawn here is that technology has reached far & wide among the Indian population even with the smaller states. People have moved to technology. With android mobile technology, the digital medium has found easy access in finding solutions for their complex issues. India now prefers Google Guru for any help required. The important lesson here for all of us would be to use digital currency as much as possible instead of paper-currency. Let’s go digital and solve our national issues.